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World Music Central

Elana Sasson is a Persian/Kurdish-American vocalist and composer, breathing new life to the sacred traditions of music of her heritage through contemporary arrangements and original compositions that oscillate between east and west, traditional and contemporary, inspired by jazz harmony and Latin rhythms.

She has trained vocally with master musicians from Iran and Kurdistan, synthesizing her own unique vocal ornamentations and technique. She was a resident at Fabrica Research Center in 2019, holds a BA from UCLA in Design Media Arts, and a Master of Music in Contemporary Performance and Production from Berklee College of Music.

Her performance credits include the Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia, Spain, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, California, Sony Theater in Madrid, Spain, and Fabrica Research Centre in Treviso, Italy. Her music has been featured in the film “Tatami” which premiered at the Venice Biennale Film Festival in 2023.
Elana Sasson Music